To make a ready-to-use solution of Pro-San teat dip, add equal volumes of Pro-San Activator and Pro-San Base into a clean dip cup/container and mix until the color is uniform throughout. Do not dilute. Do not mix with any other products. Mix only the amount needed for a 24 hour period. Discard any unused teat dip. Unused teat dip may be diluted with water and safely flushed down the drain.
1. Remove visible soils from the teats
2. Observe foremilk by stripping two or three streams of milk into a strip cup.
3. Dip or spray the cow's teats full length with READY-TO-USE PRO-SAN TEAT DIP.
4. Wait at least 15-30 seconds.
5. Remove all teat dip by thoroughly drying the teats, teat orifices and udder with a clean, single service paper towel(s) to avoid contamination
of milk.
6. Attach milking unit.
Immediately after milking, dip or spray all teats full length with READY-TO-USE PRO-SAN TEAT DIP. Ensure good coverage of all sides of the teats and teat orifices. Allow to dry. Do not wipe. Do not turn cows out in freezing weather until teat dip is completely dry.r until teat dip is completely dry.