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The Gender Ideology Movement Is Now Exploiting The Disabled For Clout

The Gender Ideology Movement Is Now Exploiting The Disabled For Clout

They revel in the kinds of horrors that will shake any morally decent person to his core.

One of the ways that trans activists have been able to sell gender ideology to mainstream audiences is by hiding its consequences. They would rather use sanitized terms like "gender-affirming surgery" and "gender-affirming care," as opposed to actually showing people what these procedures entail in real life.

In that sense, gender activists have something in common with abortion advocates. They'll throw a million euphemisms at you but they definitely don't want you to see an abortion in practice, because once any moral, sane person witnesses something as grotesque and abhorrent as an abortion, they'll oppose it immediately. No amount of political indoctrination will convince them otherwise. By the same token, trans activists have generally understood that no one wants to actually see these "gender-affirming procedures" that they talk about so much. They know that support for trans ideology would collapse if more people observed what exactly this butchery entails. Indeed, support for trans ideology has collapsed, precisely for that reason.

But there are some activists who are so committed -- so brainwashed -- that they can't help themselves. They are "true believers" of the religion, to the point that they genuinely can't perceive how even the most shocking barbarism will come across to everyone else. So they film it. They advertise it. They revel in the kinds of horrors that will shake any morally decent person to his core.

This is why millions of people have just become familiar with an Instagram account called "disabled_trans_boy." It's everywhere on the internet at the moment, largely due reporting by Sarah Fields, Andy Ngo, Billboard Chris, and others. The account belongs to someone using the name "Micah Leroy" (with "he/him" pronouns listed). The channel's description reads: "I have cp [Cerebral palsy] and I am also a trans man."

Before you see the videos from this account, I want to make it clear that this is a very troubling story. Thanks to the journalists mentioned above and then finally the Daily Mail, the details and full picture are gradually emerging. So, I'm going to present the information as we currently have it.

Over the past several weeks, the "disabled_trans_boy" account has uploaded videos that appear to document the process of a 19-year-old woman obtaining a "gender affirming" double mastectomy so that she looks less feminine. This is someone who says she has cerebral palsy, a disorder that severely affects motor control. It's also a disorder that's associated, in many cases, with a significant degree of cognitive impairment. And yet this person was apparently able to obtain "top surgery." A doctor permanently altered her body with irreversible surgery, despite the fact that she is very severely disabled.

Here's the most recent video on the account, which again, is extremely hard to watch.

Because this video is deeply disturbing we've placed it in a link HERE.

It's so unimaginably horrific that your first reaction -- or hope -- is that it must be some kind of hoax. You want to conclude that there's no way that any doctor would agree to perform this procedure, or that someone would film any of this proudly and put it on the internet. It seems like it has to be a set-up. Or maybe it's being taken out of context, you might think. You may wonder where this young woman actually had a double mastectomy because she had breast cancer. But that does not appear to be what happened here.

All of the evidence, including a Daily Mail interview with this disabled woman and her family that will get to in a minute, clearly indicates that, indeed, doctors removed the breasts of a disabled young woman in order to turn her into a boy. And this video is not a one off. There are other posts documenting this woman's "journey."

There's one video, for instance, which was uploaded just prior to the double mastectomy being performed. It's from December of last year. The description reads:

"It's the night before top surgery! I am so f -- ing excited!! After 1 month, I will be free!!! Bye!"

There's content like this going back for several years. One post from May of 2023, for example, reads:

"I am so excited to get my name change on my birth certificate!"

Another caption appears next to this image from March of 2023, which shows the girl in a parking lot:

The caption reads, "I saw a doctor today that said that I am almost ready to get on T. #transgenderpride #queerdisabledpride #ftm." There's only one comment under the image, "Awesome, everyone should be able to live as their true self." A few weeks later, there's a bunch of posts documenting her use of testosterone.

Then there's this footage, in which someone (who identifies as autistic) persuades this "disabled trans" individual to touch a pot, even though the pot says that disabled people shouldn't touch it.

The whole thing is just too painful to watch, so we'll cut it off there. She's clearly being used for clout by activists who don't care about her. And she clearly doesn't have the capacity to consent to anything like this, even as an adult. But spoiler alert, in case you're interested: they both touch the pan.

The woman's name, before she (or her parents) changed it, was Mara J. LeRoy, and she's from Minneapolis. Andy Ngo reports that Mara's mother is a DEI/anti-Trump activist who is, "extremely woke and has involved her child in her leftist activism." She's been separated from the girl's father for some time -- surprise, surprise -- and Billboard Chris reports that the divorce was finalized about two years ago. Ngo says that Mara was "medically transitioned" in high school, presumably as a minor, prior to receiving this double mastectomy. And this Instagram account would certainly support that reporting.

Ngo also reports that a state representative named Alicia "Liish" Kozlowski was recently photographed with Mara and her mother, to celebrate legislation that would advance "gender inclusive restrooms," among other Left-wing agenda items. Here's that image:

As you can see, Mara and her mother appear to be in the bottom right, along with the legislator (who uses "they/them" pronouns, by the way). Since these videos and images began going viral, this legislator hasn't responded in any way. This is how normalized all of this insanity is, in Left-wing jurisdictions like Minneapolis. Democrat Politicians openly support it.

Then there's this, from the journalist Sarah Fields. She found this post from the "disabled_trans_boy" account, from a year ago:

YIG, in case you're unfamiliar, stands for "Youth in Government." It's a YMCA program that puts high schoolers and middle schoolers in model governments in states across the country. And apparently, with support from the government, they're indoctrinating disabled children into gender ideology.

Late last night, the Daily Mail picked up this story. They reached out to the disabled woman and her family to get their side of the story. The kicker comes at the end, so stick around:

A transgender teen with cerebral palsy who went viral after posting about her breast-removal surgery has told that she knew what she was doing and is happy with her choices. Micah LeRoy, 19, a University of Minnesota student, had a double mastectomy last month and shared footage about the procedure, and her painful but swift recovery, on Instagram. Those videos exploded on conservative social media on Thursday, with critics calling Micah a victim who should not have been greenlighted for a sex change because of his disability. But, speaking with, Micah said she had a long history of gender identity issues and that she is glad she provoked a reaction because she 'wanted to blow up the internet.' Micah's case raises tough questions about whether disabled people and minors should be allowed to take puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones and undergo sex change operations. Micah's disability, cerebral palsy, affects movement and muscle control. She is able to speak and write for herself, gets straight As at college, and is involved in state politics. 'I am making these decisions,' said Micah. 'I am my own legal guardian. And people don't understand that.'

And here's the kicker:

Micah can speak on her own, but was aided in this interview by her mom Kathie LeRoy, who was effectively translating her words.

Ah, okay then. Micah explained how she is not being exploited and coerced by her parents. And we know that, because her parents translated and told us what she said. Needless to say, the doctors and parents deserve to be in prison. This is one of the most horrific cases of abuse of the disabled that we've ever seen. It shocks the conscience. That is, if you actually have a conscience. Which explains why trans activists see this not as shocking and horrific and the sort of thing that should send multiple people to prison, but as something wonderful and worth boasting about.

Now as terrifying as all of this is, you might be tempted -- if you're extremely naive -- to dismiss this story as an aberration, as not reflective of the gender transition industry broadly. You might say, for example, that some doctor must have gone rogue here, to perform this operation on someone who's so clearly disabled. But that's not true. As the Post Millennial reported several years ago, leading experts in the field of so-called "trans medicine" have said that autistic, non-verbal minors can consent to sex changes. In fact there was a conference recently, featuring a lead author on the WPATH transgender guidelines, in which this very topic was discussed.

From The Post Millennial:

Some of the world's leading experts in transgender healthcare convened in San Francisco. ... Psychiatrist Dan Karasic delivered a talk titled 'Managing patients with co-occurring mental health diagnoses' ... and in the audience was none other than Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, a leading figure in the field of child sex changes, who shared baffling anecdotes about non-verbal children expressing their gender identities.

The Post Millennial says it obtained audio of the talk, in which:

Karasic can be heard asserting that severe autism should not prevent a person from being approved for an experimental medical sex change, dismissing the common concern of parents that a fixation on gender is due to the intense focus of interests typical of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and engaging in the bizarre exchange of ideas ...about youth communicating their transgender identity through drawing.

In other words, the bleeding-edge of so-called "trans medicine" is that children who can't even speak are somehow capable of revealing that they're "born in the wrong bodies." Of course, this is a fundamental tenet of trans ideology. They often talk about recognizing "trans children" shortly after birth. But this ideology is now being put into practice in a new way. It's resulting in irreversible surgeries for young people -- even severely disabled and impaired young people -- which are being broadcast on Instagram.

Yes, it's true that the woman in those videos isn't a minor. She's 19-years-old, according to the reporting we have. She was brought into the "sex change" pipeline as a minor, and then shortly after she became an adult, the surgery was apparently done. She may be suffering from a crippling disability, and she may be extremely easy to coerce and manipulate -- but according to leading experts in the field of "gender-affirming care," she can consent to having her body permanently disfigured.

It's a story that underscores, once again, the need to abolish all of these so-called "gender-affirming" surgeries, regardless of the victim's age. Whether you're over the age of 18 or not, it is still unspeakably evil to remove the healthy body parts of people who are confused about their identity. The gender transition industry does not suddenly become ethical just because the "patient" happens to be 18 years old. Regardless of the person's, they are still being manipulated, and led into doing things which have consequences they don't fully comprehend. And the result, as you saw, is horrific beyond belief.

The truth is that no one -- regardless of disability or mental capacity, or lack thereof -- should be subjected to medical experimentation and disfigurement. Once we outlaw the mutilation of children, the next step is to ban it for everyone. Protecting kids is only step 1. Step 2 is to take down the whole industry entirely, every piece of it, and leave nothing standing. A full ban, across the board, regardless of age or circumstance. That is the only way to end this wickedness once and for all.

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