One should never try to "make sense" of Amanda Marcotte. Ever since she first burst upon the national consciousness in 2007 -- as one of two feminists (the other being the execrable Melissa McEwan) hired to blog on behalf of Democratic presidential aspirant John Edwards -- Marcotte has been an inspiration for mockery hereabouts, and it is still difficult for me to imagine that anyone actually takes her seriously.
Nevertheless, Dana Pico has undertaken to analyze one of Ms. Marcotte's recent outbursts, concluding that her enthusiasm for transgender athletes is rooted in a secret fear of inferiority: "To Miss Marcotte, any differences [between men and women] at all are a mark of inferiority, and she just can't let the facts get in her way." Yes, exactly so.
At the root of the issue is sex-role differentiation, as social scientists used to refer to such things, back before the Thought Police had established their totalitarian regime in academia. Young people may not be able to imagine this, but there was a time when professors and researchers in such fields as sociology sought to understand and explain why things are the way they are, rather than beginning with the premise that the existing social order must be viewed as a state of systemic oppression.
Sex-role differentiation is the most fundamental division of labor and, as most anthropologists once understood, is a necessary precondition for any economic advancement. Specialization is not possible if everybody is doing the same tasks, so that dividing up various duties as "men's work" or "women's work" makes possible greater cooperation and efficiency, not to mention more happiness. What feminism does is to encourage men and women to view each others not as teammates and partners, voluntarily cooperating for their mutual benefit, but rather to see themselves as rivals engaged in a competition. Guess which way of viewing male-female relations produces more conflict?
Women like Amanda Marcotte cannot stand to see men happy. They are enraged to see any man succeed in life, because their "feminism" (as they call it) is nothing more than the rationalization of envy. Because their worldview is irrational -- they are motivated by emotional disturbances they do not recognize or understand -- such people then project upon their chosen scapegoats some sort of malign motive as an explanation of their presumed evil. In the feminist mind, the male occupies the same moral position that the Jew occupied in Nazi ideology, and pronouncements about male evil from someone like Amanda Marcotte make no more sense than any of Hitler's ravings about Jewish evil.
"I am trying, and admittedly failing, to understand how this makes sense," Dana said of Marcotte's argument about transgender athletes, but that's just the point -- no argument by Amanda Marcotte ever "makes sense," when evaluated on the basis of facts and logic, because facts and logic are just tools of systemic oppression. Her arguments are always either non sequiturs or tautologies, except when they're both.