Fresh Scoop Today

Stop Throwing Out Apple Peels And Turn Them Into A Crunchy Snack - The Takeout

Stop Throwing Out Apple Peels And Turn Them Into A Crunchy Snack - The Takeout

If you absolutely adore the autumnal trend of apple-flavored everything, you're in good company. As an apple lover who also loves to bake, you're definitely not alone in ransacking grocery shelves or local orchards for all their goods, either. You've probably loaded up on apples to make homemade pies, batches of cider, or even to bake in your air fryer. Many of these recipes call for you to peel your apples before cooking them, but if you immediately reach for the trash or compost with peel in hand when you're done, allow me to stop you. You see, you're holding a piece of snacking gold. You can turn your apple peels into an abundance of tasty little treats to snack on all throughout the apple season.

You'll get the most mileage out of your peels if you toast them first, which is super easy. You can stick 'em in a food dehydrator, but many of us don't have one lying around. Most of us do have ovens, though. Just spread your peels onto a baking tray and cook them at around 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 12 minutes. Be sure you spread them out in a flat layer with no overlap so everything toasts up evenly, and keep an eye on them to avoid burning. Before toasting, coat the peels with a bit of neutral-flavored oil or butter so they get that nice crispy outer layer. You can also flavor them with sugar and cinnamon at this point for a finished snack or keep them plain and add them to other treats.

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