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How to stay warm + protected for upcoming Birmingham Arctic blast | Bham Now

By Jordyn Davis

How to stay warm + protected for upcoming Birmingham Arctic blast | Bham Now

After a record-breaking fall with higher temperatures than normal, The Magic City is now bracing for extremely cold weather.

According to Birmingham's notable weatherman James Spann, an arctic blast is to approach the eastern half of the country, including parts of the Gulf Coast, bringing strong winds, low pressure, and frigid cold air.

Keep reading to learn how you can stay warm during one of the coldest seasons in Birmingham.

The City of Birmingham, along with the Jimmie Hale Mission has opened its doors to those needing shelter for the cold and will be open until Friday, January 3rd.

In addition to the warming station, there will be a free shuttle service offered from 6-7PM to assist those who are mobile-challenged or without transportation. Looking to help those in need during this cold weather? Here are some resources needed at the shelters:

If you're experiencing heating issues in your home, be sure to call a heating repair service ahead of these freezing temperatures. Some common signs of issues are clogged intake, broken pilot light, heater making odd noises and heating bill is higher than usual. Here are a few local heating technicians:

A good rule of thumb is to always keep sinks, showers and other spouts dripping during a frost to prevent pipes from bursting.

During this lower temperature weather, make sure to cover spouts with lightweight fabric before nightfall to trap warm air. Another good tip is to mulch around outside pipes and cover the area to protected plants as well.

If you have outside plants, make sure to prepare them for the cold weather by following some of these steps:

Last, but most definitely not least, make sure your furry friends are nice and warm. Make sure to keep them inside, feed them a little more than usual and protect their paws by buying warm booties.

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