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Chinese Authorities Issue Trump-Focused Warning to Students in U.S.

Chinese Authorities Issue Trump-Focused Warning to Students in U.S.

Every president makes their mark on the White House in some way. They extend, rebuild or renew. First Ladies order new China sets or redesign the grounds. And when Joe Biden checks out on Jan. 20, the staff have to begin a rapid makeover. Unusually, however, the new White House residents have been there before-and the staff will be bringing back their creature comforts. Which is why, the Daily Mail reports, President-elect Donald Trump's Resolute Desk will have a vital feature re-installed: the Diet Coke button. The small red button, mounted in a wooden box with the presidential seal, sits in front of the Resolute Desk's array of phones and was a frequent power flex for the 45th president when he conducted interviews in the Oval Office. One press and a butler brings in a chilled glass of his favorite drink. The White House staff will also rearrange furniture and the Oval Office's collection of art, particularly presidential portraits. Biden removed Trump's portrait of the populist Andrew Jackson and replaced it with Benjamin Franklin and also added a bust of the labor organizer César Chávez.

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