Fresh Scoop Today

Old Town business owners frustrated after recent vandalism

By Jonathan Fjeld

Old Town business owners frustrated after recent vandalism

ALBUQUERQUE N.M. - Albuquerque's Old Town is a holiday hotspot for locals and tourists but business owners say it's also a hot spot for vandals.

Business owners have worked hard to fight petty crime with some success. However, something recently happened that has them frustrated all over again.

A video showed a woman throwing a rock at the "Ghost Tours" store in Old Town. Pete Kassetas, a business owner and former Albuquerque police officer, said he called officers to arrest her the morning after the rock-throwing incident. However, he said he only got as far as a criminal trespass warning.

"There should have been some intervention that night to get it off the streets. She can hopefully quit doing damage. They did criminally trespass her, which was nice because I was able to get her identifiers, but it just kind of adds to that whole revolving door issue that we're having in the metro of folks that just seem to get a pass, and rightly so, maybe they are mentally ill. I get it, but we have to have a better system in place to deal with that," Kassetas said.

Kassetas says this isn't the first time something like this has happened. In fact, he said businesses know the woman and he identified her through her clothing and mannerisms. He said they've seen her around the last few weeks and believe she needs help.

As a former cop, Kassetas also believes there should have been an arrest.

"Well, I didn't understand why," he said. "I know that my standard is probably maybe a lot lower than a prosecutor's standard, but I really think that that night, when I was able to identify that person, and I could testify to that, they should have been arrested, but they just weren't. And hopefully, we don't see her again in Old Town, there's a trespass over but who knows."

The Bernalillo County District Attorney's Office told us earlier Friday that, without an arrest, there's no case. A spokeswoman for the district attorney's office said they're looking into what they know about the crime.

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