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Bully Ray Explains Why Charlotte Flair Should Be A 'Sith' When She Returns To WWE - Wrestling Inc.

Bully Ray Explains Why Charlotte Flair Should Be A 'Sith' When She Returns To WWE - Wrestling Inc.

Upon her December 2022 return to WWE television, Charlotte Flair pushed aside her arrogant, heel attitude for one more aligned with an empowering babyface. Looking ahead at her imminent return in 2025, many expect Flair to revert back to her villainous persona, robes and all. WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray, however, wants to see a different side of "The Queen," one that specifically carries a darker aura.

According to Ray, the on-screen characters of Charlotte and her father Ric Flair will always be heels at heart. Furthermore, Charlotte commonly uses diamond emojis in her social media posts, much like her father frequently proclaimed that "diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair." As such, Ray believes the 14-time world champion should further lean into the symbolism of the gemstone.

"I want that diamond to turn black," Ray said. "I want black diamond Charlotte Flair. I want Charlotte to go complete dark, Sith, black heel. Here's what I would love to see Charlotte be a cross between ... I want her to get rid of the robes. I'm going to tell you the two people I'm talking about. Remember Trinity from 'The Matrix'? I want Charlotte to go short hair, slicked back, jet black. I want Charlotte to have form fitting gear. And instead of flowing robes, [give her a] flowing leather, wet leather look. I want Charlotte to be a cross between Trinity from 'The Matrix' and Masahiro Chono from New Japan Pro-Wrestling."

Looks aside, Ray believes Charlotte Flair could also further lean into the perceptions, such as favoritism, that surround her as a second-generation talent. Instead of denying them, though, Charlotte should embrace them with an added conceit.

"I want her to be the female emperor," Ray said. "I want her to be the absolute worst of the worst, look the part, and make people work up to her level."

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