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Notification overload to meet its match in Android 16

Notification overload to meet its match in Android 16

Key Takeaways Android 16 will introduce Notification cooldown, which gradually decreases alert volume from repeated app pings. It will also hide very old notifications, introduce Rich Ongoing Notifications, and use compact heads-up messages. These features have previously gone in and out of beta, and may be available for Pixel devices in the December Feature Drop. ✕ Remove Ads

The first Android 16 developer preview will bring various realizations over the coming days, and keen-eyed investigators have already spotted one convenient change currently slated for the December Feature Drop limited to Pixel devices. The ubiquitous operating system's 2026 release could, by default, lower alert volume progressively on receiving repeated pings from an app, a feature called Notification cooldown (Mishaal Rahmann via Android Authority).

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Keeping annoying pings to a minimum And other potential upcoming quality-of-life improvements Close ✕ Remove Ads

Nine months after the release of its Android 15 equivalent, Android 16 DP1 launched today in a move many didn't expect. Early developer previews don't typically leak major, much-desired features, but this one's been a long time coming. Android expert Mishaal Rahmann spied a new toggle in the Notifications settings menu called Notification cooldown, which progressively reduces alert volume when an individual app sends continued notifications.

If you're getting déjà vu, that's because we reported this same feature nine months ago when Android 15 DP1 hit the scene. This time, though, inclusion in Android QPR1 beta (which is set to be the December Feature Drop for Pixel phones) heralds the feature's likely availability to all Android manufacturers come Q2 2025. Unfortunately, it appears to lack any mitigation for ongoing vibrations at the moment, and the convenient "Vibrate when unlocked" feature has yet to resurface after vanishing from the Android 15 QPR1 beta.

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Nonetheless, Notification cooldown is just one potential quality-of-life update in Android's notification pipeline. If you've ever complemented your daily driver with a secondary Android device, you've unlocked it at some point to a barrage of notifications you've already seen. Android 16 will combat that at least a little by blocking notifications over two weeks old, so you won't get an entire month's worth of alerts when switching to a tablet or second phone.

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Google also continues testing for improved Rich Ongoing Notifications, or persistent, informative status bar notifications about the most critical active apps. These could include driving directions or upcoming calendar events, for example. While one might see this as stolen from Apple's Dynamic Island implementation, Android has allowed dialers to display ongoing call duration in the status bar since Android 12, making this, in one way, a sensible evolution.


Rahmann's tinkering also uncovered Android 16's use of compact heads-up messages, which omits non-critical information like user profile pictures when an app sends a notification while you're actively watching something. Cutting an entire line of text means less distraction when you're engrossed in content. This news broke months ago, with questions about whether it would land in a Pixel Feature Drop or wait until the next full release. At the very least, we now know it's incredibly likely to be ready for prime time come Android 16's June 3, 2025 launch.

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